Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies are situations that require immediate attention from a dentist to save a tooth, stop bleeding, relieve pain, or treat an infection.

Dental Emergencies at Polygems Dental Care

What are Dental Emergencies?

Dental emergencies are situations that require immediate attention from a dentist to save a tooth, stop bleeding, relieve pain, or treat an infection. Dental emergencies can happen anytime and anywhere, and they can affect anyone regardless of age or dental health. Some of the common dental emergencies are:

  • Knocked-out tooth: This occurs when a tooth is completely dislodged from its socket due to trauma or injury. This is a serious condition that can lead to permanent tooth loss if not treated promptly.
  • Cracked or broken tooth: This occurs when a tooth is fractured or chipped due to biting on something hard, decay, or trauma. This can cause pain, sensitivity, and infection if not treated properly.
  • Toothache: This occurs when a tooth is inflamed or infected due to decay, gum disease, or injury. This can cause severe pain, swelling, and fever if not treated quickly.
  • Abscess: This occurs when a pus-filled pocket forms around the root of a tooth due to bacterial infection. This can cause intense pain, swelling, fever, and bad breath if not treated urgently.
  • Bleeding gums: This occurs when the gums bleed due to injury, inflammation, or infection. This can indicate a serious gum disease that can damage the teeth and bones if not treated early.
  • Loose or broken filling, crown, or bridge: This occurs when a dental restoration becomes loose or falls off due to wear and tear, decay, or trauma. This can expose the tooth to bacteria and cause pain, sensitivity, and infection if not repaired soon.

What Should You Do in Case of a Dental Emergency?

If you experience any of the above dental emergencies, you should take the following steps:

  • Call Polygems Dental Care at [63622204 / 94894439 @Yishun (Y2)], [69090888 / 94894439 @Yishun]4, or [69090889 / 94894439 @Seletar / Fernvale]4 as soon as possible and explain your situation. They will advise you on what to do next and book an appointment for you at the earliest convenience.
  • If you have a knocked-out tooth, try to find the tooth and rinse it gently with water. Do not touch the root or remove any tissue attached to it. If possible, try to place the tooth back in its socket and hold it with your finger or bite on a gauze. If that is not possible, store the tooth in a container with milk or saliva and bring it with you to the dentist.
  • If you have a cracked or broken tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to your face to reduce swelling. Save any pieces of the tooth that you can find and bring them with you to the dentist.
  • If you have a toothache, rinse your mouth with warm water and gently floss around the affected tooth to remove any food particles that may be causing the pain. Do not apply aspirin or any other painkiller directly on the tooth or gum as this can burn the tissue. You can take over-the-counter pain medication if needed but avoid taking ibuprofen if you have bleeding gums.
  • If you have an abscess, rinse your mouth with warm salt water several times a day to ease the pain and draw out the pus. Do not pop or drain the abscess yourself as this can spread the infection. You may need antibiotics from your dentist to treat the infection.
  • If you have bleeding gums, apply pressure with a clean gauze or cloth to stop the bleeding. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water and avoid brushing or flossing the area until you see your dentist.
  • If you have a loose or broken filling, crown, or bridge, try to keep the restoration in place with dental cement or sugar-free gum until you see your dentist. Do not use super glue or any other adhesive as this can damage your tooth and restoration. Avoid chewing on the affected side and keep your mouth clean.

Why Choose Polygems Dental Care for Dental Emergencies?

If you are looking for a dental clinic in Yishun & Sengkang that can handle any dental emergency, you may want to consider Polygems Dental Care. Polygems Dental Care is a dental clinic that offers a wide range of dental services, including dental emergencies. Polygems Dental Care has three branches in Yishun, Sengkang

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